Grand Codroy RV-tent Camping Park
Route 406, Doyles Station Rd. Doyles
Codroy Valley, NL. CA. A0N 1J0 Ph: 1-877-955-2520
E-mail: grandcodroy@yahoo.com
Grand Codroy RV/tent Camping Park
Family Owned & Operated
by Dennis & Alice Keeping

Dennis & Alice

About our Campground:
A 10 Acre portion of this property was originally owned by local residents; the Downey Family. In 1965 at which time the family had a cottage on this property they were visited by the M.H.A. Hon. W.J. Keough and the subject of a Provincial Park in the area arose. Bert Downey inquired as to how soon the Codroy Valley could expect to see such a facility. Mr. Keough's answer was that land was the probem. Mr. Downey then offered to donate to the Newfoundland Government 10 acres of this property for the price of $1.00 to be developed and maintained as a Provincial Park. This offer was accepted and on March 30, 1966 the official agreements were signed.
Since that time this park was developed and expanded up until the spring of 1997 when, as a result of a decision made by the Newfoundland Government to privatieze a number of Provincial Parkis, this park changed hands.
At this time, an agreement was made with Downey & his family that due to circumstances surrounding the origin of this Park, he & his family would be given the opportunity to enter the Privatization Process.
The rest is History....& this park is now being operated with Great Pride, by the Downey & Keeping Families, with the aim in mind "To Serve People & Protect Nature".


This beautiful article was written by Mel D'Souza & published in the Downhome magazine January 2009 not long after Dad's passing on March 22, 2008.
We all try hard every day to continue to make Dad & Mom Proud!
Mom passed November 9, 1996, just months before we took over the Campground in June 1997!